You may have never thought about the possibility of needing a whistle during your open water swim, but when it comes to an environment in which we have no control over possible changes, we cannot underestimate the possibilities and must be prepared for any emergency situations.

If you don't have one, I strongly advise you to get one as soon as possible, it is an object that has a practically insignificant weight and volume and is immensely useful, when necessary, after all, my grandmother used to say: insurance died of old, and we never know.
So here are 3 safety tips on why you should have a whistle and where is the best place to take it.
If something happens (which we always hope doesn't), you'll need to save your breath to breathe and stay calm, shouting may not be the best way to get attention.
When shouting, there is the possibility of losing your voice very quickly and without a voice, how do you get someone's attention or vessel?
A whistle doesn't weigh anything and doesn't even have a considerable volume to say that it's “not useful”.
Although it is common for some swimming buoys to already have a whistle attached, imagine that for some reason the buoy comes loose from you??? Where's the whistle? It was together!
Therefore, consider that the best place to carry the whistle is with you, strapped around your neck and leave it inside the isothermal suit, if you are using it. It can also catch on a zipper on the suit. If you don't have a suit on, tie it to your swimsuit in some way, but always be careful not to let it loose, as the string can get caught on anything.